Facebook Ads

The ONLY workable objectives :

1. Plan & Design your artwork

Image ads #1

Image ads #2

Image ads #3

Instant URL ads

Carousel ads

Video ads

2. CTA flow to your customer

In facebook, “Shop Now” “Send Message” or “Learn More” are typical just a call-to-action button. But a successful CTA can run longer and more comprehensive, such as start a flow from “Problem, Solution, Pricing to Contact”. A good CTA can help with decision fatigue and provide user friendly experiences.  

3. Do A/B/C/D Ads Test

It’s become of much to do a multi ads post test for your Facebook Marketing, regardless of the type of ad, but it’s critical to test which of the ads perform the best. For a new campaign, setting one or two ads set and apply three or five creative artworks. Test these variations on multiple audiences.

In social media world, audience will only stop scrolling when the Image / Capture / Content grab their attention … you don’t have to be professional in design, but much have a little idea to make your ads to be more outstanding.

You don’t need to spend a lot of cash to do this testing. Because we are investing a limit budget a day on each variation for a week and then analyze the results. Upon analyzing the data, ramp up the spending for your best-performing copy, creative, and audience.


  • Target specific audiences
  • Wider reach with lower ads cost
  • More marketing strategy to play


  • Need more effort on setup and read consumer behaviors
  • The audience size is keep dropping ( but still have big value to invest on it )

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