Google SEO

Search engine optimization is the optimization process that helps a website improve itself according to the requirements of the search engine. Many metrics are focusing on which you can improve your website rankings and extra traffic as long term investment

Some of the best ways to improve your Google keyword ranking within 6-10 months :

1. Relevent keywords / description / meta-tags

Traditional and basic SEO practices that are in-line with the steps of the major search engines, including provide quality services and content in website for google. Regulating integrate to your website with the search engine’s terms of service. 

2. User experience ( easy to navigate )

In google system, if your page bounce rates are always steak on a high level … it will calculate as irrelevant content, spammy or bad technical link. In this situation, creating a first page that grab audience attention is really important because once the visitor has stay on your page more than 5 sec, it wont count in bounce rate and then only can start proceed to the next SEO ranking improving step …

3. Boost / Paid link-building strategy

To get the instant result or sale, advertisements are always the only best way for any online platform. Same thing to Google SEO, how many billions of page are created everyday in the world? If we just wait the page grow by it ownself, it going to difficult to reach our goal as hitting jackpot … and spend a little amount on the content page is actually use for test water purpose and end up creating the viral goals … 

4. On-Page SEO

The process of optimizing web pages’ title tags, internal links, HTML code, URL, images, and many other on-page elements to provide quality content and end up provide value to the audiences …

5. Off-Page SEO

As anything you do outside of your website to help it rank higher in Google’s search results. It includes  social media advertising, name card, direct link, good reviews on online forums, and getting backlinks from trustable websites in the other feild. And base on my background, i’ve over thousand quality clients local website can helping for this …

6. Local SEO ( Google Map )

Target local business is one of the most important types of SEO as it helps the business become more visible in local search results on Google. Other than apply area name or address in your website, google map was one of the best way to reach the same effect as well. Local SEO helps businesses reach the local audience by analyzing their behavior through trillions of search results from system …

7. International SEO ( Languages )

Duplicate the page and using the multilingual function for your website. Use the right language and format for different country was the easiest way to archieve the international SEO. If they have any worries, converse in their native tongue. International SEO aims to create a good online experience for your google search target audience …

8. Negative SEO

The goal of negative SEO is to lower your competitors’ search rankings so that you can overtake them or gain an advantage over them. Bad SEO techniques include spread virus into someone’s site and creating large number of low-quality links to it or publishing negative feedback etc. But a person caught doing bad SEO can lead to a variety of legal issues … 

SEO Tools

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